Saturday, 5 September 2015

Excited for School


All these back to school posts are making me excited. Not that I'm going back to school or anything. It is just reminding me that Kaelyn is going to kindergarten next year. I know I know I am overreacting but as a first time parent, I can't help it. I get excited with all these things especially her first day of school. We always talk about it since there's a kindergarten just two blocks away. I have already told him that I will take a leave from work because I want to walk her on the first day. We're already planning about it, that's how excited we are. 
From clothes to shoes to bags and books, we're sorting it out now. We always get excited when we see a little kid going to school and we tend to daydream about that day. Watching your daughter attend her first day at school is one of the most exciting milestone I want to witness. Although we always talk about on what if she gets shy or don't want to go to her school or something. We've discussed all of them and despite all the worries, we're more looking forward to it. I can't wait to walk her to her kindy class, wearing her Peppa Pig backpack. I can't wait to hear stories about her day at school even though I know I'll get tired of it eventually. 

We're also already planning all the extra activities that she's going to do. From dance to piano classes, I want her to do all the things she wants to learn. My mom used to pay for my guitar lessons when I was in high school but I didn't finish it. Now, I'm totally regretting i. So I want Kaelyn to learn and choose what she wants to do so that she won't end up regretting just like I did. Geez, this turned out all so serious. Anyway, I've got until February next year until Kaelyn goes to kindy. She has been doing sleepovers here and there just to make sure she won't have a massive separation anxiety. Although I think I am the one having anxiety whenever she's away. She's also now learning how to write and knows the alphabet and all that so I think she's ready for school. I bet she'll enjoy it. We just have to wait for a few months to know what will happen. I'm so excited! How was your little one's first day at school? 

 photo Danielle.png

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