Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Too Clever

Up until now, I haven't captured a good video of baby K rolling over. I have a couple ones but they need a little tweaking and I'm still figuring out how to do it on iMovie (Yes, I am not tech savvy). I have seen her, however, roll over a few times. Some by accident, because she was put down on the crib on her side, and some by her own will.

Earlier, when she woke up after an hour nap, I noticed that she's trying to roll over. I decided not to open the camera though because I knew that she'll stop if she realised that I'm taping her. Anyway, I can see how she's trying to figure out how to do it. She got on her side and I noticed that her left had is grabbing the bed sheet across her (so far, she can only roll from front to back in a left to right direction).  She grabbed it tightly and she started to roll over more onto her side. I thought they roll over by trying to roll themselves, you know? I was laughing, I'm not sure why. Is that how they really roll? I find it a bit funny but I'm glad she can improvise. She's too clever for her age. She has started trying to roll from right to left though which is good. 

I'm so glad I'm a stay at home mom. I can watch her whenever I want. It feels overwhelming when you get to see your daughter any time of the day. Patrick always tells me on how he misses spending time with baby K because he's always at work. I am lucky to be at home. I get to play with her and I'm always the first one to witness her developments. I know that sometimes I wish I'd have some free time.  But whenever I get to have time for myself, I always think of her, hoping she's with me. I am really lucky and I wouldn't trade this bond between us for the world. If that even made sense, hehe. 


  1. I loved being able to watch all my kids milestones too. It's a great perk of staying at home!

  2. It totally makes sense. I was lucky I got to see most of my kids milestones. I did notice that whenever the camera is around they never do what you want them to do though. Too smart. :)


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