Thursday 31 July 2014

Drawing and TipToes

It has been a fun two weeks away from blogging. I have started cooking meals before hand and storing them in the fridge so I had more free time and it was for Kaelyn. I haven't even baked and I've been itching to try a new recipe but I just couldn't decide. Although in most days we stayed at home due to bad weather, we still enjoyed ourselves. 

Kaelyn has been enjoying drawing on her drawing slate so I decided to give her her box of crayons and a paper. She loves it. She's trying to learn how to draw a circle at the moment. I'm just glad she hasn't started writing on walls (hope she won't). The only thing is that 1/4 of the box of crayon is already broken. Take note, it's the 24pack crayons and it broke the first day. She was too excited too use them.

A few months back, Kaelyn's godparent went to Universal Studios in Singapore and he bought us a few things including these Shrek Horns Headband(?). She wasn't really into headbands (or anything that touches her head). Good thing I managed to snap one picture of her wearing it. 

We have also been spending time in her kitchen. This was bought last Christmas but was only built recently. She has managed to cook her dolls in the oven.

See that, she tiptoes now. She has tried reaching for the door knob once. Now, she can pretty much get whatever she wants. All she needs to do is tiptoe. I have to always make sure that everything is far away so she can't reach it. Everyday single day is like an adventure because there's always something new that she can do.

By the way, there will be a giveaway that will run starting tomorrow. Kim from Enjoy the View is celebrating her 2nd blogiversary and I am co hosting. Be sure to check back tomorrow so you can enter. Until then, ciao!

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