Monday, 24 June 2013

Mini Adventure

After days of gloomy weather, the sun finally came out today. I am happy because I finally got to do laundry without having to worry on how I will dry them. Also, we were able to go out to the park with the baby. The sun was shining brightly even though it's a little chilly because of the wind. My partner drove me, baby K and her sister down to the shops. Here's a view of the park:

The park opposite the Maungaraki shops.

We were meant to buy fish and chips for our snack ( a little unhealthy I know, just this once though) but the both shops were closed so we bought chicken and chips instead (still unhealthy). 

The mini shop where we bought snacks

Chicken and chips in a box

We ate while baby K sat on her stroller. I felt sorry eating in front of her because she looks like she wants some too. It's always like that. I just made her milk so she won't feel left out (we did went to the park for her anyway!).

Watching her auntie eat

Stroll around the park

We stayed there for a little bit then we went home. It was a good day to go to the park. At least baby K gets some fresh air once in while. It's hard to take her out lately. The weather has been bad and changes quite often so you can't be sure whether it will stay sunny or it will be rainy. 

Anyway, going out was fun. I was meant to get a hair cut but I wasn't too sure because it's from a different hairdresser so I decided to do it later. Long hair will also help me warm up my neck from the cold anyway.

So this was our mini adventure for today, what's yours?

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