It has been three weeks since Little Miss O was born. It's been quite a change from being the three of us to having a newborn in the family. Who would have thought it would be quite a juggle already. I'm not even sure how to please my demanding four year old while still making sure that my newborn is getting enough sleep. Even I am probably not getting enough sleep.
It's not that Luna's wide awake in the middle of the night all the time. In fact, she has been pretty good, apart from a few sleepless night that is. She's an eat, poop, sleep baby. It's just the beginning though, we'll see how it goes later on.
Kaelyn has been great big sister so far. She helps out when it gets to changing nappies, or getting clothes for her sister and looking after her while I do a quick run in the bathroom. She even gets to hold her from time to time. She even wants to help in breastfeeding her. Yeah, I appreciate every thought. Though she got her moments too. She is clingy to the baby, and me, that she wants to stay by her side all the time. Even when bed time comes, she wants to sleep in the same room with her. It has been quite the dilemma especially past few days. She's got a bit of a cough and she wants to be beside Luna as much as possible. She gets mad when I told her that she needs some distance until she's feeling better. It's a battle and it has only been three weeks.
All in all, it's going good, so far. Let's hope it will stay that way. I am just preparing myself to go back to work next week. I am going to miss this little one but I know Patrick will be a good full time dad. He's excited because he missed out seeing Kaelyn's milestones on her first year since he was at work a lot. Now, it's my turn and I am already jealous he gets to spend so much time with these two.

Also, Patrick is already asking for another baby. I just gave birth three weeks ago and he already wants another one?! It took me four years to convince him, how dare he....
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