Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Daddy Time

One of the things that I've been dreading to happen has arrived. Baby K has noticed the stairs and realised what she can do in it. Yup you guessed it, she is now aware of what climbing the stairs is and how fun it could be. Having a spacious living room, I don't know how could she possibly notice the stairs. I knew it will happen sooner or later but I didn't think it will be this soon. I have thought of putting a gate but having a 6 flight of stairs isn't really worth it. So might as well let her enjoy it, with my supervision of course. 

On another note, Kaelyn have been liking her daddy lately especially yesterday. I think it's because I've been ignoring her from time to time. It's because she's been biting me and pulling my hair for fun so whenever she does it, I'll put her down and don't talk to her for a bit. Just so she'll understand that it's wrong but what she realised was that she can always run to her dad for comfort. 


Now that they are bffs, I'll be able to have a little rest from time to time. I hope it last long though. She really does go to her daddy when he calls her. It is so cute and only happened for the first time yesterday. She even tried to sleep in his arms. It is very rare to see these two get a long. It is finally happening now. 


How was your weekend? I hope it was a memorable one just like ours. 

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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