Saturday, 4 January 2014

Happy Holiday Part II

For over a week now, I have been sick and it's nowhere near better. I hate the feeling because my fever comes and goes, I feel like curling up in bed all day and it's so hard to eat. This is probably the most sick I have been and boy, I am hating it. It's only the first week of the new year and I'm already full of complaining because I can't do anything. I was lucky that my fever went down on new year's eve. 

We attended a mass celebrated by a Filipino priest so the church was very full. Baby K wasn't feeling the mass and would rather play outside. I had no idea how I managed to last on that mass with her wanting to go everywhere and shouting at everyone. When we got home, we had our dinner. I was so hungry but had a hard time eating especially when the food wasn't that soft. I think Kaelyn can eat better than me at this point. 

She was in a totally good mood this time. She will raise her hands and say "eeyyy". She was smiling and playing with us but when the new year was about to come, she is down and fast asleep. I welcomed the new year in bed too. My head ache and fever wasn't cooperating. I wasn't expecting my new year to start like that but I had no choice. I had to sleep it off, hoping it will go away. 

I am still sick but much better than before. I have no idea how I got tonsillitis though. I though it was a simple fever because Kaelyn had a fever but oh well. On the day of the new year, we went to a family friend's house and had lunch. We were meant to go crabbing but the weather wasn't great. On the second day of new year, we had lunch at Fisherman's Table. That's where I tasted the most delicious seafood lasagne ever. It was so cheesy and tasty and full of seafood. It was a lot for me too.

I wasn't able to welcome the new year the way I wanted but things are like that. I will just make the most out of this new year. How did you celebrated your new year? I hope it was fun. 

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  1. OH NO! I'm sorry you have been sick. Years ago I rung in the new year sick and I thought it would be an omen for a bad year. It wasn't, and I hope yours isn't either. Baby K looks SOOOOOOO FREAKING CUTE! She has gotten way too big though. The way she sits up and waves her arms is crazy, I remember when she couldnt roll over. Awww....Happy New Year! I'm glad you're back!!!!!!

    1. I swear I already replied to this the other day. Stupid iPad. Anyway, I'm a little better now. Hehe I hope things turn out good this year despite starting it off being sick. Happy new year to your dizfamily! :)) Thank you so much for constantly coming back and reading my blog even though I can be a slack sometimes. Hehe <3

  2. Too back you've been sick. Hopefully you're feeling better.

    Great pictures of your daughter and family :) (stopping by from the blog hop)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm a little better now. I hope it won't come back. hehe :)


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