Wednesday, 8 January 2014

First Birthday Preparation

My little princess is turning one in two months and I still don't have a theme for her birthday. I want something a little creative and has barely been used in parties. But you know me, a mommy without creative ideas. I thought of doing a winter wonderland theme since her name relates to cold weather. The thing is, March is probably one of our hottest months so that doesn't really go too well. I wanted to do a sort of like techie party since one of her name is from my partner's favourite video game. However, it seemed to be too boyish for her, right? 

I want some pastel colors in it because it's summer. She loves strawberries and ladybugs so I wanna incorporate that too. I just can't think of a good them that suits her personality. I also wanted to do a Doc Mcstuffins themed party but she seems to be too young for it. I have been looking on google and Pinterest and nothing catches my attention really. I will want something from this and that but they don't match up. Any ideas? What did you do for your baby's first birthday? 
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