Friday, 6 December 2013

Nine Months and A BIG Bear

Nine months. Oh my golly goodness, Baby K is officially nine months. My used to be tiny, fragile bundle of joy is slowly growing up to a little big girl. There's three months until she turns one year old. Oh my, noo! I am probably the only mom who celebrates her monthly birthday. I swear, I will stop after she turns one year old. I just love remembering her birth day because it was pretty darn eventful. If you haven't read the story yet, go here. But seriously, slow down little princess. I don't want to see you running yet. I just want her to stay and cuddle with me forever, please. 

We celebrated her "birthday" yesterday by being at the clinic and the mall. It was her nine month check up and so we had to get up early. I was surprised that she wasn't in a bad mood when I started changing her nappy. She wasn't in a bad mood but not in a good mood either. I'd rather accept that than having to deal with her crying. Patrick was running late on his work so we just started walking from his work to the clinic which wasn't that far. It was a good walk too although it was a bit drizzling. Luckily, it stopped after a while. The nurse was happy to see Kaelyn and she said how fantastic she looks. Of course, I did tell her about our sleeping problem but she gave a few advice which I have started to try today. Other than that, everything seems to be going perfectly according to her. While we were talking, Baby K was crawling around the room, playing with the toys. She even showed off and started standing up. After the check up, we went to the library which was a block away from the clinic. The story time at Petone library is every thursday so I thought I'd bring Kaelyn there. When we were there, she was just observing everyone until one girl, who is probably a year old, sat down to her. I thought they would interact, you know baby talk and such but nope. Kaelyn started reaching for her hair and almost pulled it. I saw it just in time and immediately removed it. Thank goodness she didn't pull that little girl's hair. I noticed her mom looking at us and she seemed like she's annoyed by it. After the story time, we had a little snack and then went to the bus stop and waited. Good thing the driver of the bus was nice and let us in. Last time I tried to ride the bus with my stroller, the driver didn't let me so I had to wait for another 30 minutes. I also saw it happen to another parent. It was actually on the newspaper last week and I don't see why wouldn't be allowed in the bus. Do they expect us to walk everywhere, every time? Anyway, this driver was kind and so we had no problem. 

Crappy iPod picture taken in the bus
I noticed that her pants are already wet so when we reached the mall, we rushed to the parents room to change. Good thing I brought spare pants for her. She then had a little nap then we went around the mall. I was hoping I'd be able to look for ideas on what to gift for people but I was too hungry and sleepy so we went to Starbucks. 

My coffee date
We shared an apple & blueberry muffin. We then looked around again, bought a present for my dad and bought stuff that isn't really needed. I was too hooked on the fragrance oil sold by body shop so I had to buy a few. 

I recommend these. They smell amazing.
Lavander is my favourite scent so that was a must buy. My mom always buy the Satsuma and I grew up loving that smell so I took that too. I also wanted the Aloe & Linen one but I thought Patricia might have bought it already (which she have, she showed it to me last night). When I was about to pay, they told me about the "Christmas oils" that they have which are gingerbread I think, vanilla and cranberry. I immediately knew I wanted the vanilla so I bought that too. I really shouldn't go to Body Shop or Lush because I know I'll buy lots of things. I swore to myself that I wouldn't buy anything anymore and just wait for Patrick to pick us up. Nope, that didn't happen because we bought a gigantic 53" bear. It was on a really good sale so he told me that we need to get that. We drove home, with the bear sitting on the passenger seat. 

Kaelyn's new BFF
When Baby K first saw the bear, she got a little scared. She likes it now though. She smiles and laughs when she sees the bear. It's so adorable. She's so tiny compared to the bear.

"#selfie with my new pal"
Of course, I had to take a picture with the bear too.
I guess this is our nine month birthday gift to her since I forgot to buy a cake, hahaha! Although I think, deep inside, Patrick really wants this bear and he is just using Kaelyn as an excuse so he could have this bear too. He loves bears and pandas (sshhh, don't tell him I said that haha). Wishing you all a good weekend. We are going to the Santa Parade in Wellington on sunday. I hope the weather cooperates. Cuddly Hugs from us to you. Oh, and another thing, Kaelyn knows how to clap now. That is all. 

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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