One thing I hate about parenting is dealing with technology. As early as now, I can say that I suck at letting my baby play with technology for too long. She is into iPhones/iPad/iPod/TV all the time. I don't think it's bad to let her watch TV or be on the iPod as long as it isn't that long and it isn't as frequent. I feel like she needs to be exposed to everything because that is how she will learn especially now that our world revolves around technology. I want her to know the good and the bad side of it. However, I seem to be failing at it because all she wants to do now is be in front of the computer. If she isn't in a good mood and someone wants to carry her, they will just show they phones and baby K instantly (almost every time) go with them.
Photo Credit: Patricia Esparas |
Photo Credit: Patricia Esparas |
She really pays attention to watching the television now and even gets mad when I change the channel. I usually let her watch the Disney Junior channel but she sometimes prefers watching Good Luck Charlie on Disney. Whenever she watches, it seems like she understands what is happening in the story. Sometimes though, she watches probably half the time that she's awake. She sometimes prefer watching rather than playing with me. If not, she'll be reaching for my iPod and play with. Instead of taking it from her, I just let her play with it. Instead of turning of the TV, sometimes I just let her watch. I don't know how to deal with it just yet. People kept telling me that if she's exposed to technology too much, it'll be harder for her to start talking yet they don't stop her from watching too.
I don't know what to do. I've tried turning off the TV and play with her but she just throws tantrums and won't stop crying unless I turn it back on. I hope this is just a phase though. I bought her so many toys to play with and she still prefers the "real" thing.