Tuesday, 1 October 2013

October Daily - Day 1

Here I am again, trying to do a challenge which involves blogging everyday. As you may have noticed, I failed to finish the September blog challenge which was really bad at my part. So now, I have decided to give it a try again hoping that I'll be able to finish it. I am joining the October Daily.

Secret Obsession   

For the first day of October, it says Share at least five reasons why you blog.

The main reason I created this blog is because I wanted to have a diary about my baby and being a first time parent. I thought that doing it as a blog is more creative and fun. It is also a way for my friends and family to be able to know what is happening with me and baby K. As the days passed by, I thought that sharing my experiences through my blog will be able to help new mommies as well so I always make sure that I give my best in every blog post that I do because who knew, other mommy could be experiencing the same thing that I am experiencing. Another reason is that writing makes it easier for me to express myself. Rather than bombard my friends about something, I will just write it and it makes me feel a little better. I also love taking pictures but I didn't want all of them to be posted on my Facebook. I don't know why but I think sharing it here on my blog is better. That probably is weird but that's how I feel about it. Lastly, I will show this blog to my daughter and let her read about her childhood. That way, I won't forget a story that happened because we could just read it up here.

I know this start of my October Daily is a day late but I hope I'd be able to keep up for the whole month. Until tomorrow.

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