I have been nominated again for Liebster award. Yay! Zoe from Maddie Bug and I has nominated me this award and I am so thankful. Receiving this award the second time around is such an honour.
To be able to accept this award, I have to:
- Link back to those who nominated you
- Answer the 10 questions provided
- Nominate 5-11 bloggers that has less than 200 followers
- Create 10 questions for your nominees
- Notify your nominees
These are Zoe's questions for me:
- What is the sole purpose of your blog?
- This blog is dedicated to my baby. I write about her and her developments. I also share my experiences as a first time mom.
- Which social network is your favourite?
- Pinterest all the way. It's cool because I get to learn new ideas everyday.
- Favourite TV show?
- Big Bang Theory
- What is something unique about you that not a lot of people may not know?
- I guess my weird combo of food are unique. For instance, I eat my oatmeal with milo, have my strawberry with salt. My friends and family think it's weird that I do that, haha!
- What is your occupation?
- Right now, I am a stay at home mommy
- What is your favourite make up product?
- I don't really wear make up. The only thing that I occasionally use is a concealer and a lip gloss.
- What is in your purse right now?
- I don't own a purse. Is that weird? I just carry my wallet and that's it.
- What is your favourite quote or motto?
- Be Positive about yourself.
- If you could shop at one store for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- If it means that I could afford it for the rest of my life, it would be Victoria's Secret.
- What is your favourite post on your blog that you have done?
- Definitely my Birth Story.
My nominees are ..
- Mina and her blog
- Our Brown-Eyed Girl
- Second Mommy
- Adventures of Sweet Monday
- Mummy, toddlers and tantrums
- Life with the 5
- Honest Mommy
My Questions are:
- What advice can you give to new moms?
- What do you do on your spare time, apart from blogging?
- Where did you go on your last vacation?
- What was the best thing that happened last summer/winter?
- Would you want to have more kids if given the chance?
- If you're given a chance to move to a different country, where would you choose and why?
- What book did you last read?
- Pancakes or French Toasts?
- What is the first thing that you do when you wake up?
- What is your favourite summer drink?
There you go. I have done all the requirements needed for this award. I am so happy that I have received this award again. Much love and appreciation to Zoe and those that are constantly reading my blog. I hope you'll check out my nominees.