Monday, 9 September 2013

Liebster Award

I have been nominated again for Liebster award. Yay! Zoe from Maddie Bug and I has nominated me this award and I am so thankful. Receiving this award the second time around is such an honour. 

To be able to accept this award, I have to:

  • Link back to those who nominated you
  • Answer the 10 questions provided
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers that has less than 200 followers
  • Create 10 questions for your nominees
  • Notify your nominees
These are Zoe's questions for me:

  1. What is the sole purpose of your blog?
    • This blog is dedicated to my baby. I write about her and her developments. I also share my experiences as a first time mom.
  2. Which social network is your favourite?
    • Pinterest all the way. It's cool because I get to learn new ideas everyday.
  3. Favourite TV show?
    • Big Bang Theory
  4. What is something unique about you that not a lot of people may not know?
    • I guess my weird combo of food are unique. For instance, I eat my oatmeal with milo, have my strawberry with salt. My friends and family think it's weird that I do that, haha! 
  5. What is your occupation?
    • Right now, I am a stay at home mommy
  6. What is your favourite make up product?
    • I don't really wear make up. The only thing that I occasionally use is a concealer and a lip gloss.
  7. What is in your purse right now?
    • I don't own a purse. Is that weird? I just carry my wallet and that's it.
  8. What is your favourite quote or motto?
    • Be Positive about yourself.
  9. If you could shop at one store for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If it means that I could afford it for the rest of my life, it would be Victoria's Secret.
  10. What is your favourite post on your blog that you have done?
    • Definitely my Birth Story.
My nominees are ..

My Questions are:

  1. What advice can you give to new moms?
  2. What do you do on your spare time, apart from blogging?
  3. Where did you go on your last vacation?
  4. What was the best thing that happened last summer/winter?
  5. Would you want to have more kids if given the chance?
  6. If you're given a chance to move to a different country, where would you choose and why?
  7. What book did you last read?
  8. Pancakes or French Toasts?
  9. What is the first thing that you do when you wake up?
  10. What is your favourite summer drink?

There you go. I have done all the requirements needed for this award. I am so happy that I have received this award again. Much love and appreciation to Zoe and those that are constantly reading my blog. I hope you'll check out my nominees. 

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