For the past few weeks, I have been trying to re decorate my blog. I am still figuring out on how I want it to look because the last one didn't look so appealing.I am also contemplating on changing my name. I feel like Life of A Full Time Mom is so overrated. I want to have a more creative name but couldn't think of any. I'm not as creative as I want to be. When it comes to naming things, I always have nothing. I've been doing some brainstorms but I feel like the names that I come up with are already taken.
I have also been trying to learn and understand HTML and CSS so that I could make my blog the way I like it and more presentable. I just google everything but sometimes, I still don't understand. I remember back in high school, I barely passed computer class because of this topic. I should have paid attention to it more. I didn't think it that I'll be using it.
This is going to take a while, I know for sure. So, bear with me as I undergo changes on my blogs. I'll still be posting regularly and read all your posts. Hope very one is having a good week!